Selección Alumnos para Intercambio Erasmus + KA2 “LEAD”

Last Tuesday the English Department and the bilingual teachers met to watch two different works made by students as part of KA201 project (ERASMUS +). The Project consisted of making a presentation about integration, refugees and how to deal with cultural boundaries. Once viewed, the jury decided that, although both of them were really good projects, the one which obtained the highest consideration was the Project which contained a video with interviews to different people talking about all the issues previously mentioned. CONGRATULATIONS TO EVERYBODY!

All the process of selection will be shown in our school webpage and in our ERASMUS KA2 “LEAD” BLOG

ERASMUS + KA2 “LEAD” * Encuentro en Polonia (I)

The project Erasmus plus K2, in which our school actively participates, has just started. Six students from the 4th year of ESO, together with two teachers, have gone to Poland to represent our school. They went straight to Kracow to meet the rest of the participants (Italians, Bulgarians and Polish). Once there, they have visited the city and started with the activities. After that, they will go to Bilgoraj, where the students will have the opportunity to share some days with a Polish family and work with teenagers from other European countries. No doubt, this experience will help them to meet different cultures and realities and, of course, to improve the communicative competence since English is the language used in the whole project. Besides, it is worth noting that the host school in Poland has already participated with our school in different projects. In fact, our high school received some students from Poland just some days ago.
                                                                                                              por Pedro J Rayo

ERASMUS + KA2 “LEAD” * Encuentro en Polonia (II)

First day of our Erasmus project in Poland. The first visit has been to the museum of photography in Kracow, where we have participated in a photography workshop, one of the topics dealt with in this project. After that, we have gone sightseeing in this wonderful city. Walking in the snow, we enjoyed the old town, the square market, Santa Maria’s church, the cathedral and the royal castle.

                                                                                           by Pedro J Rayo

ERASMUS + KA2 “LEAD” * Encuentro en Polonia (III)

Activities from Erasmus Plus LEAD continue. We were welcomed by the head officer in Bilgoraj and each one of the groups made a brief presentation of their country, village and school. Then, hopes and fears were presented by means of an activity. The main topic of this mobility is photography and all the activities will be related to this topic. The school trip to Kazimiersz Dolny gave us the opportunity to take amazing pictures of landscapes. Sunday was a family day and our students made different activities.
by Pedro J. Rayo


ERASMUS + KA2 “LEAD” * Encuentro en Polonia (IV)

We came to an end of our first mobility included in the Erasmus Plus LEAD. The last activity was an open class where teachers and students used photography to create different stories by means of images. Later on, our students attended some lessons meanwhile teachers were working in the project. Then, we visited Zamosc. In the afternoon, we went to a farewell party with folk Polish dances and songs. Next stop Bulgaria.

por Pedro J Rayo

De nuevo somos Erasmus + con un proyecto KA 2 Erasmus

El IES Meléndez Valdés, ha sido seleccionado para participar, por tercera vez, en programas Europeos Eramus +

KA 2 Strategic Partnerships for School Sducation

Título : LEAD learning , experiencing and awareness of the diversity

Coordinador – PGPAE “Geo Milev in Burgas , Bulgaria – Escuela de Secundaria situada en él SE de la Costa del mar negro .

Socios –

Zespol Szkol Ogolnoksztalcacych Liceum en Bilgoraj Polonia (alumnos de 16 a 19 años)

Instituto de de instrucción superior – I. l. S. ” G.A. Pischedda Bosa Cerdeña Italia

Nuestro proyecto tiene su origen en la situación socio política mundial, la violencia , la intolerancia , los conflictos entre los pueblos y la gran crisis migratoria .
Nuestros centros apoyan la integración , previenen la discriminacion , promueven la tolerancia y respeta los prejuicios ante lo diferente .
El contacto entre culturas abren ojos , mentes y corazones .
Las actividades se centrarán en mejorar las competencias digitales, las lenguas extranjeras , las habilidades fotográficas , en la adquisición de hábitos de vida saludable , en auto refuerzo de habilidades tales como la autoestima , en potenciar que nuestros alumnos sean ciudadanos activos , críticos y con iniciativa .

Los profesores intercambiaremos buenas prácticas educativas que serán mostradas en web y blog creado para el proyecto.

El impacto a largo plazo será la comprensión y responsabilidad ante la diversidad social étnica y cultural y la tolerancia como medio para reducir las diferencias.

Duración: dos años desde octubre del 2017 hasta septiembre del 2019