LEAD project

LEAD – Learning, Experiencing and Awareness of the Diversity


The project LEAD- Learning, experiencing and awareness of the diversity aims to convey a positive image of people with various backgrounds, empowering them to see the diversity as an asset, and migrant crisis as an opportunity. The project aims at broadening the students’ horizons and providing a future perspective through cooperation, and thus facilitating labour market integration. The topic of EU citizenship and the fundamental values of the EU: respect for diversity, intercultural dialogue, tolerance and social inclusion are the basic objectives of our project. Another objective is the active citizenship through peer leadership. The LEAD project aims at using various learning methods that will be experienced creating skills to deal with xenophobia and prejudices against the different. During the implementation of the project a variety of teaching approaches will be used and they will be applied in formal, non-formal and extra-curricular forms of education. The tasks will be diverse and will focus on creating “hard” skills like digital and foreign language competences; photographic abilities; knowledge of the diversity and healthy living, and use them as a means enhancing “soft” skills like self-esteem, responsibility, active citizenship, problem-solving, creativity, initiative etc. through diversity issues.
This is a good complementary project that will develop students’ and staff’s awareness and skills and will give them the chance to share the experience with the other partner schools.
The participants will be teachers and students from four school in Poland, Spain, Italy and Bulgaria. The project will include a large number of students,15-19 years old, of each school. The teachers will be chosen from those who are open-minded and aware of the needed changes in their students. They are going to invest in inter-cultural and social skills of their students that they need to cope with the diversity. The teachers will be responsible to involve students in various activities boosting their key competencies to deal with their prejudices. They will also aim at improving their students’ abilities to stimulate improvements among their peers. As a consequence of this project it’s expected to see leaders emerging from both groups- teachers and students.
Today the whole world is working to fill in the gap between demand and supply of ICT related jobs. All citizens must be able to use ICT to take part in social life and thus making them stay active. A good teaching practice lessons will be performed on applying successfully the ICT in class. The project will focus on how to organize web education in a creative way. This will be realized by the application and exchange of good innovative practices among the partner schools on diversity issues.
We consider a good approach if we focus the attention of our students to the awareness of healthy life by a lot of activities linked with nature, food styles, traditions, sports etc. We are looking for the balance between the virtual life and the healthy living of the participants. We also see this project as an alternative objective to engage students in extra-curriculum activities that would keep them away from other negative influence.
Transnational Strategic Partnership aims to develop initiatives addressing one or more fields of education and promoting innovation and exchanging experience among different schools. This is why during the mobilities we intend to organize all the activities in international teams. The students will get acquainted, live and work together, becoming closer and thus reducing disparities. All the work will be uploaded in the website of the project and thus we strongly hope to multiply the effect of the project by involving many students in the project activities as well as parents as stakeholders.
Moreover we have included different schools that will share their experience due to innovative teaching practices. Undoubtedly overall project implementation will have the greatest impact on participants in the acceptance of diversity. The expected impact on the participants will be greater understanding the responsiveness to social, ethnic and cultural diversity and tolerance through enhancing 21 century key competencies.